
Career Overview
What They Do
Source: careeronestop.org
Plan, direct, or coordinate, usually through subordinate supervisory personnel, activities concerned with the construction and maintenance of structures, facilities, and systems. Participate in the conceptual development of a construction project and oversee its organization, scheduling, budgeting, and implementation. Includes managers in specialized construction fields, such as carpentry or plumbing
Job Duties
Source: careeronestop.org
Negotiate project specifications.
Manage construction activities.
Develop operating strategies, plans, or procedures.
Supervise employees.
Prepare financial documents, reports, or budgets.
Evaluate green operations or programs for compliance with standards or regulations.
Determine operational compliance with regulations or standards.
Direct facility maintenance or repair activities.
Estimate labor requirements.
Investigate industrial or transportation accidents.
Prepare forms or applications.
Implement organizational process or policy changes.
Develop environmental remediation or protection plans.
Develop procedures to evaluate organizational activities.
Purchase materials, equipment, or other resources.
Communicate organizational information to customers or other stakeholders.
Communicate organizational policies and procedures.
Analyze data to determine project feasibility.
Estimate green project costs.
Model operational processes.
Analyze forecasting data to improve business decisions.
Train employees on environmental awareness, conservation, or safety topics.
Recruit personnel.
Prepare operational budgets for green energy or other green operations.
Job Earnings
Source: careeronestop.org
In New York State, the lower 10% of the pay scale falls in the $32.95 per hour range with the median rate at $57.69 per hour. Those at the top of the pay scale may make in excess of $100 per hour.
Education/Training Requirements
Source: careeronestop.org
In the Project Management field, 27% of people entering this career come directly out of high school, start as a construction laborer, and work their way up. Another 27% hold a Bachelor's degree in a construction management or related field. In addition, 24 have an Associate's degree or a combination of some college and some work experience and the balance hold a Master's degree or higher.
Job Outlook & Growth
Source: careeronestop.org
Employment of Project Managers in New York State has a very favorable outlook. The state anticipates 1,770 new positions each year through job creation, attrition, and retirement replacement.
Career Pathway
Ways to Start Preparing for Your Future Career TODAY!
Middle & High School Opportunities
Source: Careeronestop.org
Classes to Take:
Mechanical Drawing
Blueprint reading
Engineering classes
Clubs/Extracurricular Activities:
Math Club
Local BOCES/Career & Technical Education Programs
Orleans-Niagara BOCES
Genesee Valley BOCES;
Volunteer Opportunities
Genesee County:
Livingston County:
Orleans County
Wyoming County
Local Colleges/Training

Local Career Connection
Jim Wasley, Project Manager
Genesee Construction Services
Dansville, NY
Deeper Dive
Jon Merle, Site Foreman
Genesee Construction Services
Dansville, NY
Where Can I Work?
Local GLOW Companies With Project Manager Jobs
This is a selection of businesses in the region offering this career. That does not mean that there are currently positions available. For information on companies who are hiring right now, please visit https://newyork.usnlx.com/
If you would like to see your business listed here in the future, please email us at GLOWWithYourHands@Gmail.com.