
Career Overview
What They Do
A maintenance repair technician is responsible for keeping a facility operating and repairing problems when they are discovered. Maintenance Technicians will usually be called upon to perform a wide range of repair tasks and their skill sets may include electronics, mechanics, robotics, computer components and control instrumentation depending on the company and the amount of training and or education the technician has. A compilation of the skill sets required are sometime called “mechatronics”. In this career path jobs are available from entry level type positions as a maintenance or repair technician to a plant engineer requiring a four degree.
Job Duties
Trouble shooting electrical problems such as a short or a severed wire.
Trouble shooting mechanical problems on production equipment.
Cleaning sensitive electro-mechanical equipment.
Performing simple programming to automated equipment.
Checking the functioning of instrumentation controls.
Maintaining and trouble shooting HVAC equipment.
Miscellaneous maintenance functions.
Communicating daily with supervisors regarding immediate maintenance needs.
Job Earnings
Source: New York State Department of Labor Statistics (**2019 Average)
Entry level salaries for these positions will vary widely based on the industry, skill level and training the applicant brings to the job. Based on current NYS Department of Labor statistics entry level salaries fall into the range of $32,000 t0 $34,000 per year. However, an individual who brings a combination of electrical and mechanical skill sets has the potential to see an annual starting salary as high as $80,000.
Education/Training Requirements
Entry level positions generally require a non-credit certificate based training or “on the job” experience in electronics and mechanics. In some cases, depending on the tasks the company requires, a two year or four year degree may be required. Training can begin in BOCES programs and depending upon the desire of the individual can be built upon through community college programs to four year degree institutions. Adult Education Opportunities for training may be available through community colleges and local BOCES. Some community colleges may offer training with organizations that offer national certification like the International Maintenance Institute. Once employed in a company, some may offer NYS Apprenticeship programs for qualified employees.
Job Outlook & Growth
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that overall employment for Maintenance and Repair Technicians is projected to grow by 13% from 2019-2029, much faster than the average for all occupations.
Career Pathway
Ways to Start Preparing for Your Future Career TODAY!
Middle & High School Opportunities
Classes to Take:
Career Exploration
Computer Networking
Introduction to Computers
Clubs/Extracurricular Activities:
BOCES/Career & Technical Education Programs
Genesee Valley BOCES
Monroe2-Orleans BOCES
Orleans-Niagara BOCES
Computer Technology
HVAC & Refrigeration
Volunteer Opportunities
Habitat for Humanity
Local Colleges/Training
College Programs
Erie Community College (Buffalo)
Genesee Community College (Batavia)
Monroe Community College (Rochester)
Pre-Apprenticeship Summer Bootcamp

Local Career Connection
Don Cloy, Maintenance Manager
O-AT-KA Milk Products, Inc.
Batavia, NY
Deeper Dive
Electrical Mechanical Technician at Love Beets USA
Electromechanical Systems Class
Central Tech
Where Can I Work?
Local GLOW Companies With
Maintenance Repair Technician Jobs
This is a selection of businesses in the region offering this career. That does not mean that there are currently positions available. For information on companies who are hiring right now, please visit https://newyork.usnlx.com/
If you would like to see your business listed here in the future, please email us at GLOWWithYourHands@Gmail.com.