
Career Overview
What They Do
Source: thehvac101.com
An HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) Technician is concerned with the temperature control (heating and cooling) and the air quality (ventilation) in industrial, commercial, and residential buildings. A technician is a certified and licensed professional that works with HVAC systems. This can include installation, repair, troubleshooting, replacements, and general maintenance. Although technicians are trained in all three components of HVAC, many choose to strictly work with just one of the systems.
Job Duties
Source: thehvac101.com
Connect different HVAC systems to a variety of components such as fuel, water, and air conduits.
Study a wide variety of blueprints and other specifications
Lay out, design, and install low voltage electrical wiring
Assembling, positioning, mounting, and installing HVAC equipment
Performing regular maintenance on HCVAC systems such as changing filters, cleaning ducts, or refilling refrigerants
Use a wide variety of tools in the installation and maintenance of HVAC systems
Repairing or replacing defective equipment or parts
Testing pipe or tubing joints or connections for leaks
Perform after-hour calls as required
Assembly and installation of ductwork that distributes air
Counselor customers as to how to prevent future problems and properly maintain equipment
Job Earnings
Source: labor.ny.gov
The average starting salary for an entry level HVAC Technician in the state of New York is $39,070. The average median salary for a Technician is $58,060. The average salary for a Technician with experience is $71,950.
Education/Training Requirements
Source: hvactraining101.com
There are no license or education requirements in New York State to become an HVAC Technician. There are however, some cities that have their own license requirements, such as Buffalo requiring technicians to apply for an HVAC license.
13% of Technicians have only their high school diploma or equivalent
16% of Technicians have an associate’s degree
55% of Technicians have a post-secondary certificate
There are different types of HVAC licenses that one can obtain to advance their careers.
EPA License- Allows an individual to handle units that contain refrigerant chemicals. The average pay for technicians with this license is $73,432
NATE Certificate- An optional New York State HVAC license that certifies a technician’s HVAC experience. Technicians with this license make on average $15,000 more a year than unlicensed technicians.
Job Outlook & Growth
Source: careerexplorer.com
In the United States, the job market for HVAC Technicians is expected to grow by 15% between 2016 and 2026. In New York alone, there is expected to be 2,700 new job openings for HVAC Technicians between 2016 and 2026, making New York the fifth highest state in terms of number of new openings.
Career Pathway
Ways to Start Preparing for Your Future Career TODAY!
Middle & High School Opportunities
Source: learnhowtobecom.org
Classes to Take:
Shop courses in plumbing, basic electronics, and electrical work
Applied physics
Blueprint reading
Clubs/Extracurricular Activities:
Local BOCES/Career & Technical Education Programs
Genesee Valley BOCES
Orleans NIagara BOCES
Volunteer Opportunities
Genesee County:
Livingston County:
Orleans County
Wyoming County
Local Colleges/Training

Local Career Connection
Richard Gibson, HVAC Technician
Turnbull Heating and Air Conditioning
Batavia, New York
Deeper Dive
Andrew Gaglio shares his Monroe2BOCES experience
Where Can I Work?
Local GLOW Companies With Vet Technician Jobs
This is a selection of businesses in the region offering this career. That does not mean that there are currently positions available. For information on companies who are hiring right now, please visit https://newyork.usnlx.com/
If you would like to see your business listed here in the future, please email us at GLOWWithYourHands@Gmail.com.